
  • There is a better way to resolve your divorce disputes. Mediation Matters was founded out of the knowledge that there is a successful and preferable alternative to the costly, burdensome and often inflammatory dissolution of marriages through the court system. 

  • The Mediation Process

    Mediation is a voluntary, cooperative settlement process in which the mediator, as a neutral, knowledgeable professional, assists the parties in identifying the issues to be addressed, in gathering and analyzing the necessary information and formulating a formal Agreement. 

    Potential matters can range from divorce, separation, post-divorce modifications, post-divorce contempts and parenting plans. 

    At the completion of mediation, a formal Agreement will be generated and filed with the Court on your behalf accompanied by a request for a hearing date. 

Benefits of Mediation

Level Playing Field

The expertise of the mediator and the exchange of Financial Statements with verifying documents allow both parties to participate in the process with equal support and information. Additionally, depending on the complexity of the case, outside sources such as an accountant, CPA, financial planner or pension appraiser ca be utilized to analyze the financial impact of the proposed settlement from that perspective. Teh parties may also choose to hire their own attorneys for the purpose of consultation during the process and/or to review an agreement.

Self Determined Outcome

Mediation allows the parties to maintain a sense of control over their lives at a time when many facets of their lives feel out of control. Rather than leave decisions about critical, intimate aspects of their lives in the hands of the Court, the parties can customize their Agreement, within the parameters of the law, to suit their circumstances.

Large Financial Savings

Divorce can be financially difficult. Through mediation, the cost of divorce can be a fraction of the cost of a litigated divorce. The parties jointly pay the mediator thereby eliminating the cost of two separate attorneys. There is no  up front retainer paid. The parties pay for time spent with the mediator at the end of each session.

Decreased Emotional Impact

Getting divorced is inherently stressful. Additionally , the most important factor in children’s post divorce adjustment is the level of intensity of conflict between their parents. Mediation allows the parties to resolve their conflicts in a cooperative, dignified manner thereby allowing them to maintain a similar post-divorce relationship for themselves and for their children.

Starting the Process

Initial Contact -  Contact Melissa Whish at 781-871-2250 or by email at

You will receive a prompt response to discuss the particulars of your situation and to answer any questions you might have. 

Make an Appointment - A mutually agreeable date and time for the first meeting will be determined during the initial contact. Prior to the initial appointment, the parties will receive a Mediation Agreement and Court generated Financial Statements to be be completed and brought to the initial meeting. 

Payment of Fees - The fee for mediation sessions is $300 per hour and is shared equally by the parties. There is no up-front retainer required. The fees are payable at the completion of each session. Payment for preparation of a final Agreement and Court documents to be filed in order to schedule a divorce hearing is an additional fee of $800. The only remaining cost is the filing fee of $215 which is due at the time of signing the documents. 

Completion of Mediation - The end result of successful mediation is a legal Agreement which comports with the law and incorporates the terms agreed upon. This Agreement, along with the necessary supporting Court documents, will be filed with the Court by the mediator in order to schedule a hearing. The Court hearing will result in the Agreement becoming an Order/Judgment which is then enforceable by the Court. Only the parties, not the mediator, attend the hearing which is brief when there is a completed Agreement.